
University of Edinburgh
  • Development Economics, Spring 2024
    Third-year undergraduate elective introducing students to major topics in development economics Syllabus (2024)
  • Applied Labor Economics, Fall 2023, Fall 2024
    Third-year undergraduate elective introducing students to major topics and empirical methods in labor economics Syllabus (2023)
  • Honours Dissertation Supervision, 2023-2024.
    Supervised dissertation work for fourth-year undergraduate students
Boston University
Teaching Assistant
Graduate level
  • Economics of Labor Markets (Prof. Daniele Paserman), Spring 2020, Fall 2021.
    Master-level economics studying the behavior of labor markets and labor market institutions in the United States
Undergraduate level
  • Poverty and Discrimination (Prof. Kevin Lang), Fall 2019.
    This class examines who is poor in the United States and how the evidence of poverty has changed over time.
  • Principles of Microeconomics (Prof. Todd Idson), Fall 2018-Spring 2019
    Class introducing students to basic micro and macroeconomic topics in economics.
University of Costa Rica
  • Principles of Economics, Spring 2014-Spring 2015
    Undergraduate class that introduced non-economics majors to basic economic concepts.

Office Hours Schedule, Spring 2024

Dissertation Supervision
By appointment

  • Wednesdays 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm,
  • You can book your slot here.
    If your meeting is in person, it will take place at Room 2.11, 31 Buccleuch Place. Otherwise, use the link sent to your mail to join the virtual meeting.